The Surrendering of the Hanged Man: A Shift in Perspective and Releasing

At first glance, the Hung Man appears to be a purely negative card. Most of us associate the term ‘hung’ with death. This is not the case with tarot since Death is a card of its own.

The Hung Man is alive and well but suspended, unable or possibly unwilling to take further action.

Although no one likes to be ‘stuck in a rut,’ this Major Arcana card contains some very powerful advice, especially for those of us trying to figure out our next move.

The Hung Man Reminds us that the best solution to your problems might not always be the most obvious ones.


Before diving deeper into Hung Man upright meaning and reversed Hung Man tarot card meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, below is a quick overview of the most important words connected to this Major Arcana card.

Upright Letting go, sacrificing, pausing to reflect, uncertainty, spiritual development
Reversed Discontentment, stagnation, negative patterns, no solution, fear of sacrifice
Yes or No Maybe


the hanged man tarot card

Suspended upside down by his foot, the Hung Man is shown dangling from a tree. This is no ordinary sapling, though. The world tree is said to bear the weight of the heavens while also being rooted in the Underworld below.

With one leg crossed behind the other, the Hung Man’s position and the look on his face suggest a few different things. He doesn’t appear to be afraid or upset. While his right foot is bound to the living world tree, his left foot remains free.

The radiant halo around his head, and his relaxed expression give the impression that he has accepted his fate. This way, the hung man advises you to surrender illusions of control and accept your fate. You have been deceived by one of your own, but there is nothing you can do about it. For example, let’s say you lent money for a family member’s education and they dropped out.

The same is true of his shirt, which is dyed the color of the serene ocean representing knowledge. His red pants represent his physical body, strength and willpower.

Make no mistake, the Hung Man has the ability to change his situation, but for one reason or another, has decided to ‘sit this one out.’


The Hanging Gentleman embodies the concept of patiently waiting, which is often a part of personal growth. While we may not always feel content being in a state of uncertainty, there are instances where no further action can be taken, and we must embrace stillness.

the hanged man modern way tarot deck card

This frequently necessitates relinquishing individuals and possessions that we would prefer to cling onto.

The Contemporary Method Tarot®

The Upright Hanging Gentleman tarot card informs you that at times, you must accept a loss for the greater benefit. Acceptance and release are crucial in order to progress.

Interpretation for Love and Relationships

When concerning matters of love or romantic relationships, the Hanging Gentleman signifies dissatisfaction and feeling stuck. It is time to detach from any toxic associations and focus solely on those that bring serenity and happiness. The tarot interpretation for love with this card indicates that action must be taken now.

If you feel hesitant in terminating a romantic relationship or friendship, refrain from rushing. However, you must engage in introspection.

Can the situation be improved? Give it a try. Have you exhausted all efforts? Embrace acceptance. This might be an instance where the Hanging Gentleman tarot card represents releasing the past and embarking on a new path.

Interpretation for Finances and Career

As a card of patience, the Hanging Gentleman often appears in readings related to finances and career when things do not go according to plan.

Sometimes, this indicates a lack of promotion or an undesired one. It can also signify stagnant growth in a business that was anticipated to thrive.

If profits take longer to materialize than expected or your financial stability feels uncertain, remain steadfast. With consistent effort, things will eventually improve.

However, it is advisable to avoid borrowing money, making commitments, or delving deeper into investments. Fear can often drive us towards impulsive decisions that worsen an already difficult situation.

Interpretation for Health and Spirituality

The Hanging Gentleman signifies physical illness. It is also associated with pregnancy complications and chronic conditions like hypertension.

While this is not pleasant news, the Hanging Gentleman tarot card serves as a cautionary indicator in matters of health, urging you to seek medical guidance if you notice any signs of a problem.

the hanged man tarot card reversed

Regarding spirituality, the outlook is much brighter. The Hanging Gentleman represents change and transformation. Just as butterflies envelop themselves in cocoons during their process of rebirth, we too must take time away to renew our minds and spirits.

If you’ve received the Hanged Man in spiritual readings, it is time to concentrate on psychic development and ascending to a new level of vibration. Staying at the same level will only bring you more of the same.


Two specific situations often involve the Hanged Man Reversed. One is when a person feels as though they are giving and giving but receiving nothing in return.

This can lead to a sense of dread that prevents one from investing in the future. Instead of saying ‘never again,’ take a look at negative patterns and draining situations that need to be ended and take action to halt the cycle.

If the first scenario doesn’t resonate, the Hanged Man Reversed suggests someone making impulsive choices and seeing (or preparing to see) serious consequences.

Have you made a decision that you regret and are struggling to rectify? Though we cannot go back and alter the past, we can shift our perspective to make any outcome work in our favor.

What lesson can we learn? By embracing the answer to this question, you can change direction.


The Hanged Man tarot card is a ‘maybe’ when it comes to ‘yes or no’ readings.

For the most part, it suggests pausing and refraining from action. However, because he also symbolizes spiritual growth, in certain situations, the Hanged Man’s message is to stop procrastinating and take a step forward.

the hanged man combined with hierophant card

Perhaps you should draw another card or two in connection with this Major card to gain a better understanding.


Letting go, sacrificing, and pausing to contemplate are the main themes of the Hanged Man tarot card. When combined with other cards, this meaning can change.

Below you can find the most significant Hanged Man tarot card combinations.


The Hierophant and the Hanged Man are linked when a person is feeling unsure of what to believe. Sometimes, this pertains to a specific situation, while in other cases, the confusion can be more general.

hangedman and lover tarot card combi

For instance, a person might be questioning if their partner is being dishonest or could be pondering if they genuinely believe the religious teachings of their upbringing. If you’re uncertain about your faith, the Hanged Man encourages you to examine things patiently.


Together, these two Major Arcana cards imply that someone is being pressured in a relationship and as a result, feels trapped.

This occurs when two individuals in a partnership are moving at different speeds or have opposing ultimate objectives in mind. When the Hanged Man and the Lovers appear simultaneously, it is necessary to engage in a serious discussion regarding what actions need to be taken for the future.

hanged man and wheel of fortune combination


If the Wheel of Fortune is combined with the Hanged Man tarot card, there has been a postponement in fate. While what is destined to happen will surely occur, at times our own misguided actions hinder the manifestation of our blessings for a certain period.

Are you gripping onto something so tightly that you are preventing yourself from embarking on your purpose? Although change can be intimidating, it is imperative and something we must learn to embrace. Otherwise, we dwell in a perpetual state of uncertainty and discontent.


Are you experiencing difficulties in accepting not your own actions, but those of others? When a reading presents the Hanged Man and Judgement cards, interfering with others’ ability to make mistakes is a common scenario.

hanged man and judgement tarot

It is normal to desire to protect our loved ones from failure or actions that will only bring them pain. However, it is crucial to remember that contrast and experiences are what facilitate our emotional and spiritual growth.

If we attempt to exert control (or pass judgment) on the decisions of others, we hinder them from reaching their destined path. This is why focusing inwardly is of utmost importance.


Although I write all the descriptions based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, it does not imply that I do not utilize other decks as well. There are numerous aesthetically pleasing decks available!

I can easily lose myself while browsing and exploring the internet for exquisite tarot cards. Below, you can find a small assortment of captivating Hanged Man tarot cards.

If you have created a card yourself and would like to share it, I would be delighted to hear from you!

The Modern Deck Now Available to Order Here

Elroy Lu via – The Hanged Man

hanged man yes or no

Florence Pitot via

Mony Pich via – XII The Hanged Man


The feedback and inquiries I received from my readers (you!) are overwhelming. I am extremely grateful to have this interaction and while I am addressing each message I receive, I am responding to the most commonly asked tarot questions about the Hanged Man tarot card here.

hanged man tarot meaningthe hanged man tarot card


Most of us associate the word ‘hanged’ with death, and that’s the reason why people believe that the Hanged Man tarot card has a negative meaning. However, this is not completely accurate. The Hanged Man is alive and well but suspended, unable or possibly unwilling to take further action. Though nobody enjoys being ‘stuck in a rut,’ this Major Arcana card contains some incredibly potent guidance

Does the Hanged Man indicate a Yes or No in a Tarot Reading?

The overall significance of the Hanged Man tarot card has to do with patience, refraining from action, and waiting for a while. Therefore, the Hanged Man is a ‘maybe’ card when it comes to ‘yes or no’ readings. However, there are some exceptions

What does the Hanged Man represent in the realm of love?

The Hanged Man in a romantic and relationship context suggests dissatisfaction and being stuck in a rut. He advises you to liberate yourself from any toxic connections and solely concentrate on those that bring you peace and joy!


That’s all regarding the meaning of the Hanged Man tarot card! Can’t get enough? If you have drawn the upright or reversed Hanged Man in your spread, did the meaning resonate with your life situation?

Our community loves to hear about accurate readings, so please take a moment to share your thoughts in the comments below!

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