The Significance of the Ten of Wands Tarot Card

The Decade of Rods resembles the Nine of Rods in that both cards signify the struggles of life. However, unlike the previous card, the Decade of Rods symbolizes the true experience of carrying a burdensome load.

Whether it’s physical, financial, emotional, or spiritual, having an excessive amount of obligations can transform one’s existence into a weight rather than a blessing.

What can you discover about maintaining equilibrium through responsibility from this Minor Arcana card? Is there any method to transform your troubles into triumphs? Continue reading to learn more.

Decade of Rods Key Terms

Before delving deeper into the meaning of the upright and reversed ten of rods cards, as well as their connection to love, work, and life, let’s begin with a quick overview of the most important terms associated with this Minor Arcana card.

Upright Struggling, stretching oneself thin, feeling burdened
Reversed Unreliable, stress, procrastination
Yes or No No
Numerology 10, 1
Element Fire
Planet Jupiter
Astrological Sign Sagittarius

Decade of Rods Card Description

To fully comprehend the significance of the Decade of Rods tarot card, we will initially examine the illustration, colors, and symbolism.

ten of wands tarot card

On the face of the Decade of Rods, a man is carrying a bundle of ten rods. These poles appear to be heavy as he is slightly bent over.

Due to the fact that he is walking towards a town, we cannot discern the expression on his face. Is it one of distress? Or perhaps exhaustion?

Whether he appears happy to be nearing his destination, we can only speculate. What is evident is that, for the time being, the young man seems overwhelmed. Is there something he could do to alleviate his burden just a bit?

Upright Decade of Rods Meaning

Every significance associated with the Upright Decade of Rods pertains to hard work. While being diligent and responsible is crucial, an excessive amount of anything can be detrimental.

Many of us have a natural inclination to please others. We take on too many projects and tasks because we experience guilt when saying ‘no’ or ‘I cannot.’ The Decade of Rods warns against this unhealthy tendency.

Although aiding others is commendable, stretching oneself financially, emotionally, or physically in the name of ‘assistance’ can be toxic. If this card appears in your reading, take a critical look at where your time and energy are directed.

Finances and Career Implication

The Decade of Rods often emerges in a financial and career interpretation when an individual feels overworked, underpaid, and undervalued.

At occasions, you feel as though you can perceive the illumination at the conclusion of the passage.

However, the daily grind can make it difficult to maintain one’s belief. If you examine the Ten of Wands more closely, you will notice that the staffs are obstructing the man’s vision of the path.

At times, we possess all the necessary elements for success but still fail because our focus is on the present instead of the bigger picture. What are your financial and career aspirations? Are there specific material possessions, such as a new house or car, that you truly desire to acquire?

Adopt a broader perspective of the situation. What advantages do you possess that can aid you in achieving your goals? Compile a list of these advantages and concentrate on the positive aspects.

Love and Relationships Interpretation

In terms of love and relationships, the Ten of Wands signifies an individual who feels as though they are exerting all of the effort. There is an imbalance in the relationship, with one person assuming all of the responsibility while the other person prioritizes other matters.

This often arises in readings where one partner is a workaholic or engrossed in other commitments. The other partner may feel burdened by carrying the emotional weight.

Naturally, every situation is unique, but if these emotions are left unaddressed, they can easily develop into resentment.

If you are single, the Ten of Wands implies that you have excessive emotional baggage to be successful in a relationship.

This same meaning applies to couples who struggle to let go of the past. It is challenging to focus on the future if you continue to be weighed down by matters that should be left behind.

If this describes your situation, relinquish your wands and boldly step into your future.

Health and Spirituality Interpretation

Stress can be detrimental! It can harm both your physical and mental well-being. If you are experiencing intense pressure that manifests itself physically or mentally, it is crucial to prioritize your own needs.

You may need to make difficult sacrifices that will ultimately benefit you. Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders will only lead to a breakdown.

Take the time to streamline your schedule. Are there any commitments that you can reduce or eliminate altogether? Begin by setting aside just two hours per week dedicated to your own health and spiritual objectives.

Reversed Interpretation of the Ten of Wands

In this section, we will delve further into the meaning of pulling the Ten of Wands tarot card in the reversed position (upside down).

ten of wands reversed

When the Wands are reversed, it indicates that either you or someone in your life is struggling to take responsibility due to fear, lack, or insecurity. In other words, the Reversed Ten of Wands does not represent laziness.

It highlights a situation in which an individual feels so overwhelmed that they succumb to pressure. The weight of the world on their shoulders causes them to freeze out of fear.

If you are in a state of overload and have lost your motivation or drive, refrain from being too hard on yourself. Instead, accept your current circumstances and take the time to reset. You will feel much better once you let go of the need to do everything and focus on what truly matters to you.

Ten of Burdens: Affirmative or Negative

Because the overall significance of the Ten of Burdens relates to being overwhelmed, the response to queries regarding “yes” or “no” solely in relation to this card is negative.

Similar to loading excessive blocks onto a tower, making weighty choices during this period might result in the collapse of everything.

Instead of taking action, take some time to alleviate yourself of current obligations that have overwhelmed you. Subsequently, you will be in a far better position to interrogate major decisions and relationships.

Ten of Burdens and Astrology

The Ten of Burdens embodies the zodiac sign Sagittarius, a fire sign governed by Jupiter. Sagittarians generally exhibit qualities such as fidelity, intellect, assertiveness, and compassion.

Significant Combinations with the Ten of Burdens

When combined with other cards, the interpretation of the Ten of Burdens may slightly alter. Below, you will discover the most critical combinations involving this Wand card.

Ten of Burdens and the Magician

Working diligently to prove oneself is not objectionable. In fact, the message conveyed when the Magician and the Ten of Burdens merge is that you must demonstrate your worth through arduous effort. If there is something you ardently desire (e.g., a promotion, a relationship), the Magician entreats you to both showcase and articulate your aspirations. Dedicate your utmost effort and determination, and the reward shall be yours.

Ten of Burdens and the Empress

The Empress epitomizes an earth card, representing a nurturing and maternal spirit. Unlike the Emperor, her intent is not to exert control. Instead, her ardor lies in aiding others.

Many individuals, particularly women, assume the role of the Empress. We possess an innate desire to assist and gratify others. Such behavior is inherent to human nature. However, it is impossible to continuously please others. Attempting to do so only contributes to internal discontentment and feelings of inadequacy.

Instead of shouldering excessive burdens or bestowing unending benevolence, endeavor to concentrate on your personal internal requirements. Are there aspects of yourself that you have neglected by directing all your energy outward? If so, now is the opportune moment to effect a change.

Ten of Burdens and the Nine of Cups

This combination of cards may not be readily apparent, yet it conveys a potent message. Honoring our commitments is crucial, but not to the extent that our work and worldly possessions dominate us. Some individuals place great emphasis on money and material things, and that is perfectly acceptable!

Nevertheless, what about other facets of life such as our connection with ourselves, a higher power, family, and friends? The Nine of Cups and the Ten of Burdens warn against being so enthralled by achievements that we neglect everything else.

Ten of Rods and the Hung Person

Cease clinging on. This is the direction provided by the Ten of Rods and the Hung Person. There is no way to progress if you are still grasping onto the pain of the past.

It is always advantageous to learn from our experiences, but we shouldn’t allow these life lessons to keep us confined. Lay down all of the rods that no longer serve you.

Doing so will lighten your load and propel you toward a much more radiant future.

The Ten of Rods Tarot Card Inspiration

Even though I compose my Rods tarot card description based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, it doesn’t mean that I employ other decks as well. And there are so many exquisite decks out there! I can lose myself exploring and searching the web for splendid tarot cards.

ten of wands modern way tarot deck

Below you can discover a small selection of stunning Ten of Rods tarot cards. If you fashioned a Ten of Rods tarot card yourself and want to share this, I would love to hear from you!

Modern Way Tarot Obtainable On Amazon Now! Sun and Moon tarot

10 of wands love

The Ten of Rods Frequently Asked Questions

The response and questions I received from my readers (you!) are overwhelming. I am extremely thankful to have this interaction and while I am responding to every message I receive, I’m answering the most commonly asked tarot questions about the Ten of Rods meaning and general tarot card queries here.

What is the General Meaning of the Suit of Rods?

The Suit of Rods is most closely associated with blaze and vitality, a artistic type, that breathes life into things that did not exist before. The rod cards represent spirituality, inspiration, ambition, competition, and the longing for power. Discover here all the Rods tarot card meanings.

Does the Ten of Rods Indicate a Yes or No in a Tarot Reading?

The overall meaning of the Ten of Rods has to do with having too much on your plate, the answer to yes or no questions involving this card alone is no.

What is the Ten of Rods Love Meaning?

Do you feel as if you’re exerting all of the endeavors, while your partner concentrates on other things? In love and relationships, the Ten of Rods indicates an imbalance in your relationship.

The Ten of Rods in a Reading

That’s all for the Ten of Rods tarot card meanings! Can’t get enough? If you have pulled the upright or reversed Ten of Rods card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your situation in life?

Our community loves to hear about accurate readings so please take a minute to let us know in the comments below!

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