The Meaning of the Nine of Wands Card in Tarot Interpretation

The Nine of Rods signifies an ongoing conflict that impacts your physical and psychological well-being. At this juncture, you find yourself halfway through the struggle, and it is vital not to surrender.

While there are circumstances where compromise is necessary, there are specific principles you should stand resolute on. Your resolve will be the key to surmounting this challenging period. However, you will need to ensure that you are fully prepared to confront the difficulties head-on.

Take this as a reminder to gather your bravery, stay focused on your objective, and push forward. With persistence, you can emerge triumphant from this battle.

Nine of Wands Key Words

Before we delve deeper into the upright and reversed Nine of Wands Tarot card meanings, and its connection to love, work, and life, let’s first take a quick look at the most important words associated with this Minor Arcana card.

Upright Endurance, stamina, valor
Reversed Inflexibility, refusal to compromise, lack of confidence
Yes or No No
Numerology 9
Element Fire
Planet Jupiter
Astrological Sign Sagittarius

Nine of Wands Tarot Card Description

It is important to carefully observe the illustration of the Nine of Wands Tarot card in order to understand its profound meaning and symbolism.

  • Bandage on Head: The image on the Nine of Wands Tarot card portrays a fatigued-looking man. He wears a bandage around his head, representing recovery and self-care after a previous battle or a fixed outlook on life.
  • Rod the Figure Clings To: The man clings to one rod, leaning on it for support, demonstrating the versatility of the rods beyond weapons.
  • Eight Rods Behind Figure: The man is surrounded by eight other rods positioned like a fence, either representing unknown resources or his ability to organize them for protection.
  • Green Landscape: Despite the man’s injuries and weariness, the background shows a green and fertile landscape, symbolizing the persistence of hope even in dark times.
  • Gray Floor: In contrast to the vibrant landscape, the gray floor symbolizes the man’s stark injuries and the impartial weight of their aftermath.

nine of wands tarot card

Upright Nine of Wands Meaning

The Upright Nine of Rods urges you to summon your strength to complete what you have initiated (or life/universe has initiated for you) despite exhaustion. There are certain things that can be challenging to endure, regardless of how optimistic we try to be.

However, it does not mean that chaos, confusion, heartache, and the highs and lows of life have to destabilize us.

Despite the unpredictable challenges life presents, we always have the freedom to determine our responses.

So, if this card shows up, regard it as a signal to persist, as the universe is testing your endurance. No matter how fatigued you may be, do not permit yourself to surrender. You’re nearly there, so there is no justification for turning away, even if it’s arduous.

Money and Career Significance

If the Nine of Wands card emerges concerning a job or finances, it might imply that things are in a state of uncertainty. Are you clashing with colleagues or facing a layoff? Does it seem like you can’t make progress no matter how diligently you strive?

If that’s the case, it might be tempting to quit or give up. Nevertheless, doing so would only exacerbate your predicaments.

Therefore, it’s crucial to steady yourself and devise a robust plan for progressing. Do you need to return to school or search for a new position? Should you create a new budget and tighten your spending?

Do whatever is necessary to endure these challenging times, maintaining your determination regardless of how burdensome things may seem.

Love and Relationships Significance

The Nine of Wands Tarot love and relationship meaning embodies turbulent romances. However, if you are presently single, this situation may be linked to one of your previous encounters rather than the present.

Either way, the message remains the same: negative or draining relationships can deplete our energy. If this is your situation, take a critical look at the friendship or romantic relationship you are engaged in. Is it worth salvaging?

Ultimately, the most significant relationship you will ever have is the one with yourself. You must protect your well-being at all times. This may involve establishing a solid barrier of defense to ward off the negative vibes of others, even if they have a strong connection to you.

Health and Spirituality Significance

Nothing burdens us like concerns about how things will unfold. Often, we put on a brave facade for others, appearing like we have it all under control, when on the inside, we are actually unraveling.

Certainly, we would love to be “balanced” and “focused,” but how can we achieve that in times like these? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Practice Mantras: I will give my utmost effort, I will improve even more tomorrow, I possess the capability.
  • Concentrate Solely on What You Can Manage: Your thoughts, your words, your actions.
  • A Slip is Not Equivalent to Regression: One mistake does not indicate a lack of self-control and good judgment.

Always bear in mind that there is a fine line between a temporary setback and completely reverting back to previous negative patterns.

If you are confronted with a physical obstacle rather than a mental one, explore every treatment option available. Once you have collaborated with a specialist to formulate a concrete plan, see it through.

nine of wands reversed

Reversed Nine of Wands Card Significance

The Reversed Nine of Wands portrays a situation that is somewhat distinct from what is described in the upright interpretation.

The Upright Nine of Wands suggests a conflict initiated by others in which you must stand your ground.

When turned over, the Tarot indicates that you are the architect of your own chaos and that finding middle ground is indispensable.

It is inherent to human nature to evade responsibility and transfer the fault to others. In one of the most renowned self-help books ever written, How to Win Friends and Influence People, the author, Dale Carnegie, discusses this phenomenon.

He provides an instance of infamous murderers and gangsters throughout history who fell, yet still held the perception that they were virtuous individuals who had committed no wrongdoing.

While it is important to always assert ourselves for what we believe is right, stubbornness and pride only result in resentment and frustration. If you are unable to find a middle ground and find resolution in a situation, it may be time to remove yourself from it completely.

Reversed Meaning of Money and Career

In the context of one’s career, when the Reversed Nine of Wands appears in a Tarot spread, it indicates a sense of depletion and an unwillingness to compromise or make alterations.

This can lead to a feeling of stagnation in your job or current project. It is crucial to acknowledge that exhaustion can obscure your perspective, and achieving a balance between work and personal life is vital for productivity.

Taking a step back, taking time off, and replenishing your energy levels are essential. Afterward, you can evaluate whether continuing with your current endeavors is worthwhile.

Regarding financial matters, the Reversed Nine of Wands cautions against evading financial obligations. It also serves as a reminder that there is a potential for failure to safeguard your finances, which may result in loss or theft. Therefore, it is crucial to exercise extra caution when making financial decisions.

Reversed Meaning of Love and Relationships

In a Tarot card reading focused on love and relationships, the Reversed Nine of Wands indicates encountering disappointment and feeling that your efforts in the relationship are not producing the desired outcomes.

Despite your devotion and willingness to maintain positivity, your actions may go unnoticed or unrewarded, draining you mentally and physically.

While you hold onto hope for a healthy relationship, it is crucial to recognize that both partners bear equal responsibility for its success.

If you find yourself constantly compromising and sacrificing your own happiness while your partner shows no effort, it may lead to a deteriorating situation. Disagreements are natural, but ensure that you are not the sole individual making sacrifices.

For individuals who are single, this card suggests that despite setting boundaries, certain individuals persist in attempting to establish close connections with you, challenging your desire to remain unattached.

Meaning in Terms of Health and Spirituality

When the Nine of Wands appears in a health-related reading, it may suggest your struggle to cope with an illness or facing a chronic illness or recurring injury.

In a spiritual context, the Reversed Nine of Wands suggests that you have endured a challenging period, feeling drained and resistant to learning from these experiences.

The universe may be attempting to impart wisdom, so it is crucial to be receptive to the lessons and practice self-compassion.

Nine of Wands: Yes or No

The Nine of Wands in a yes or no reading is uncertain between “no” and “maybe”. If your question pertains to standing firm on a decision that you genuinely believe in, then perhaps you should.

As regards progressing with new endeavors or connections, it’s perhaps more prudent to await developments. Otherwise, concern, weariness, and dissatisfaction might arise.

Nine of Rods and Astrology

The Nine of Rods is linked to the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Autonomy and the capacity to do as they please are highly important for individuals with this sign.

They possess a fondness for adventure and exploration and are considered extroverted. Sagittarius is governed by Jupiter, the planet of faith, philosophy, spirituality, wealth, and offspring.

Significant Nine of Rods Combinations

Predicaments, sensations of desertion, and bitterness: when combined with other cards, the meaning of the Nine of Rods can slightly change. Below you can find the most crucial combinations of this Rods card.

The Nine of Rods and the Sun

This combination implies that whatever you are grappling with has become a substantial part of your life. In truth, all your thoughts and decisions may be entangled in this dilemma.

The Sun card suggests that the only way to rectify the situation is to do what you can and then release it. Even if things aren’t as you desire them to be, acceptance is the path to attaining peace.

The Nine of Rods and the Hermit

Do you feel as though you are battling every conflict alone? The Hermit and Nine of Rods connection implies feelings of seclusion and abandonment.

For instance, someone experiencing a breakup or some other loss may feel they have no one to converse with. An individual enduring a challenging financial period might feel as if there is no one available to provide support.

As distressing as this may be, it isn’t necessarily unfavorable. The Hermit urges you to connect with your own higher self. Do not allow your judgment to be clouded by the thoughts and opinions of others.

Draw from concealed reservoirs deep within yourself and persist on your path until your journey is complete.

The Nine of Rods and the Empress

The Empress, when paired with the Nine of Rods, represents feelings of resentment. Recently, you may have been sensing that someone is attempting to exploit you. Such emotions can cause significant harm if disregarded and left unresolved.

As challenging as it will be, you need to open up and express your feelings using ‘I statements’, such as “I feel” or “I need.” It is important not to criticize or attack.

Attempt to comprehend the other person’s perspective, and if you still feel unsettled about the situation, take a brief break to recover and gather your thoughts. Afterward, stand firm in how you feel and know that as long as you remain true to yourself, any situation will resolve in your favor.

The Nine of Rods Tarot Card Inspiration

Although I write all the descriptions based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, it doesn’t mean that I utilize other decks as well.

  • And there are numerous stunning decks available! I can get completely absorbed exploring and scouring the internet for exquisite tarot cards.

Below you can discover a small assortment of stunning Nine of Rods tarot cards. If you have drawn a Nine of Rods tarot card yourself and would like to share it, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you!

nine of wands modern way tarot deck9 of wands

Floh (Florence) Pitot via Behance.netModern Wat Tarot

The Nine of Rods in a Reading

That’s all for the significance of the Nine of Rods! Can’t get enough? If you have selected the upright or reversed Nine of Rods card in your spread, did the interpretation align with your life situation?

Our community enjoys hearing about accurate readings, so please take a moment to inform us in the remarks section below!

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