The Meaning of the Five of Pentacles Tarot Card

It is somewhat challenging to illuminate a positive illumination on the Five of Pentacles Minor Arcana card. It is one of those cards that not many individuals aspire to encounter during a reading. It signifies illness, destitution, and overall hardship, and the only suitable position for this pentacle is reversed or in the past.

Regrettably, this is not always the scenario. However, if the Five of Pentacles has emerged as a part of your reading, do not fret excessively. That is due to the fact that it is not a Major Arcana card, which implies that its impacts are temporary, not enduring.

Furthermore, you can also focus on acquiring knowledge and maturing from the difficulties you are presently facing or are about to face. Being aware of what the future may bring enables us to adjust our actions to prevent future anguish.

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card: Principal Terminology

Before delving deeply into the meaning of the upright and reversed Five of Pentacles, let us discuss the principal terms associated with this card.

Upright Financial adversity, toil, absence of conviction, dismissal, ailment
Reversed Fortuity, triumph, improved well-being, enhanced finances, recuperation
Yes or No No
Numerology 5
Element Earth
Planet Venus
Astrological Sign Taurus

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Description

The subsequent depiction illustrates the Five of Pentacles Tarot card. Familiarizing yourself with it will augment your comprehension of its meaning and symbolism.

The depiction on the Five of Pentacles is one that will remain ingrained in your memory. Despite numerous pentacles embodying financial accomplishment, the fifth card in this suit portrays a dire scene.

five of pentacles tarot card

The setting unfolds during winter, wherein the ground is blanketed in snow. Flakes of ice can be witnessed descending from above as two destitute souls trudge through the accumulated snow. Their tattered garments signify their impoverishment. The absence of footwear illustrates the severity of their predicament.

Located behind them is a vibrant stained-glass window. Engraved into the pane are five gilded pentacles. As beautiful as the window appears, neither individual seems to take notice.

The individual on the left employs crutches to ambulate. While they limp through the snow, they raise their head towards the sky. Their posture and expression suggest a quest for answers from a divine entity.

The figure on the right is likely a woman. However, it is difficult to ascertain since most of their face is concealed by a shawl, and they point towards the ground in defeat.

Despite walking together, it is evident that the pair feels isolated. The colors adorning their attire are earth tones, indicating that they are so consumed by their physical problems that they fail to perceive anything else.

Five of Pentacles Upright Meaning

In a metaphorical sense, the word snow denotes to overpower, conceal, or confine. If you presently feel confined or defeated by life’s challenges, then it is not surprising that this card has emerged.

It’s also conceivable that things are not as dire as they appear but clouded by pessimistic thoughts.

In a professional Tarot spread, the Five of Pentacles in the upright position represents a lengthy expedition with numerous obstacles along the way.

Nevertheless, you must bear in mind that despite lacking control over the difficulties you encounter, the power lies in your responses.

Money and Career Significance

The Five of Pentacles symbolizes the struggle and monetary decline. Financial affluence, occupation, and material possessions are frequently the first to be impacted during challenging times. If you’ve recently lost your job, your home, or experienced some other tragedy, this card can epitomize that.

There might be scant you can do to avert this stroke of misfortune. However, you need to remember that there is always a way to handle these circumstances with elegance. Although maintaining a positive outlook can be arduous, recognizing that the situation is only temporary is crucial.

If you are facing financial struggles, do not hesitate to seek assistance. This is a lesson the paupers from the Five of Pentacles required to learn as well.

Ultimately, the illumination from the church window demonstrated that help was nearby, but the two were too engrossed in their own self-pity to perceive the radiance.

Are there resources nearby that you aren’t discerning that can aid in liberating you from your current predicament? It could be that a despairing mindset is hindering your recovery. Don an armor of adaptability and persistently strive to safeguard your financial stability.

Love and Relationships Significance

The destitute beggars portrayed in the Five of Pentacles card are not alone, but they may as well be. Despite traversing the same path, they are not journeying side by side. These two individuals appear worlds apart.

Divorce, break-ups, terminating friendships, and rejection are typically perceived as negative occurrences. However, remaining in a toxic situation that stifles personal development can be just as detrimental.

If you feel solitary or abandoned (physically or emotionally), or if you have been rejected by someone you hold dear, now is the moment for you to fortify your connection to your inner self. Explore different methods to enhance self-care. You will endure this journey and emerge on the opposite side, but only if you prioritize yourself.

Health and Spirituality Significance

They assert that ‘stress kills,’ and it is factual. If you are fretting over matters beyond your control, you are only compromising your immune system.

Your overall mental state will suffer as well. If you are feeling disoriented, drained, or emotionally exhausted, you need to halt where you are. Continuing on the current path will only deplete the remaining energy you possess and may even result in illness or health complications.

If the Five of Pentacles appears in a health tarot spread, it encourages you to prioritize yourself, your healing journey, and your spiritual longing. It reminds you that no one should hold greater importance to you than yourself.

Similar to the safety instructions on an airplane, where they advise us to secure our oxygen masks before assisting others.

The communication remains unchanged for your physical condition and ethereal welfare.

Synonyms for Reversed Meaning

five of pentacles reversed 1

If the Five of Pentacles presented itself in the opposite position, you’re in luck. Instead of representing disappointment and loss, this flipped Minor Arcana signals that recovery is in full force. If you have been going through a tough time at work or home, expect the tides to shift.

The same is true with your physical or emotional well-being. Now is a great time to try new things, say ‘yes’ instead of ‘no’, and focus on what you want and not what you lack. A season of triumph is being ushered through the door.

Money and Career Significance

In the opposite position, the Five of Pentacles brings positive news regarding money and career. If you have faced challenges in your financial situation, this card suggests that there is hope for improvement.

Take small steps to rebuild your finances, such as paying off debts or rebuilding your emergency fund. With persistence and effort, you will regain financial stability and leave the worst behind you.

Love and Relationships Significance

If you’re in a relationship, the appearance of opposite Five of Pentacles signifies that you’re overcoming past challenges and making positive changes to strengthen your bond.

It may also indicate the need to let go of a relationship that no longer serves you. If your relationship has faced judgment or criticism, this card suggests that acceptance from others will increase over time.

For singles, the opposite Five of Pentacles is also a positive sign. It shows that the period of loneliness or rejection is about to end.

You’re entering a phase of positive transformation and openness to new romantic possibilities. You just need to make sure that you embrace this energy and be open, as it will attract someone special to you.

Health and Spirituality Significance

If you’ve been dealing with illness or health issues, the opposite Five of Pentacles suggests receiving a diagnosis or treatment plan. While it may not bring immediate improvements, it brings clarity and a path to address the challenges.

In the context of spirituality, the opposite Five of Pentacles signifies emerging from a difficult spiritual phase and experiencing a renewed sense of luck and faith. It advises you to use the wisdom gained from your struggles to reach new heights in your spiritual journey.

Five of Pentacles: Affirmative or Negative 

The answer in a affirmative or negative reading is an unfortunate, “no”. The Five of Pentacles predicts a period of bad luck with financial or emotional troubles.

Before you make any major decisions, you’ll need to prepare yourself for the times ahead.

You need to look for all the resources available to you and try to find solutions that are hidden in plain sight because of your fears and doubts.

Although the overall tone is negative, don’t give up. You must have faith that things will work out for the best.

Five of Pentacles and Astrology

The Five of Pentacles is connected to the zodiac sign Taurus, which is ruled by the planet Venus. The Taurus sign is fixed, meaning that people with this sign love their stability and find comfort in consistency.

Significant Combinations of the Five of Pentacles with Other Cards

Financial adversity, hardship, absence of trust, dismissal, illness. The Five of Pentacles is not solely characterized by positivity and optimism.

However, when partnered with other cards, this interpretation can be altered, particularly when major Arcana cards like Strength or Temperance appear alongside the Five of Pentacles.

The Five of Pentacles and Strength

Although the present circumstances may be immensely challenging, difficult times are only temporary. When this affirmative Major Arcana card (Strength) aligns itself with the Five of Pentacles, it brings a much more optimistic perspective.

Your situation may not transform immediately, but this combination serves as a reminder that you possess the ability to overcome any obstacles presently or in the future.

The Five of Pentacles and Temperance

If you have been grappling with any form of illness, Temperance delivers positive news. Although the Five of Pentacles represents poor health, Temperance predicts that circumstances are about to stabilize and improve.

Simply ensure to make use of available resources such as treatments and support services.

The Five of Pentacles and the Six of Cups

Deep emotional wounds from childhood may be influencing difficulties in your adult life. Contrary to popular conviction, time does not universally heal all wounds.

If you experienced a challenging childhood or struggled to have your needs met when you were younger, this past hurt can easily spill over into present relationships.

This combination of the Five of Pentacles and Six of Cups advises dedicating some time to self-care and exploring methods to overcome your past for complete healing.

The Five of Pentacles and the Five of Cups

Have you been experiencing feelings of rejection from others? The absence of support can evoke intense and painful emotions, regardless of your personal strength. Although you may perceive yourself as isolated at present, there are bound to be improvements.

By practicing gratitude (even during challenging times) and directing your focus towards what you possess rather than what is lacking, situations similar to those predicted by the Five of Pentacles and the Five of Cups can be transformed.

The Five of Pentacles and the Ten of Wands

When the Five of Pentacles and the Ten of Wands appear together, they indicate a situation, potentially in the present moment, where you are exerting significant effort for meager rewards.

You might feel undervalued in addition to being underpaid, which can lead to frustration and a decline in overall happiness.

The beneficial aspect of this scenario is that change is always possible if you seize control.

Five of Coins in a Reading

That’s all for this coins card. Though it’s not exactly a “don’t fret, be cheerful” card, fret not excessively.

Just bear in mind that you will gain knowledge and develop from the challenges you are facing or are about to encounter. And remember the wise words of Bob Marley who once stated: “every small thing is gonna be alright”.

If the Five of Coins manifested in your tarot reading, did the significance resonate with you? Jot down your remarks and inquiries below. I would greatly appreciate hearing from you!

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