Meaning of the Three Pentacles Tarot Card

The Ace of Pentacles and Two of Pentacles are focused on achieving things independently. But the Three of Pentacles reminds us that there is a specific power in a shared vision and collaboration.

John C. Maxwell, a successful American author states that “collaboration makes dream work” in his book of the same title. The three individuals depicted in the Three of Pentacles tarot card would definitely agree with this notion.

Generally speaking, it’s a positive card to receive in a Tarot spread. If this card has appeared in your spread, be prepared to embrace your inner circle and work together to maximize what lies ahead.

Three of Pentacles Key: At a Glance

Before we delve deeper into the meaning of the upright and reversed Three of Pentacles, let’s discuss the most significant words represented by this Minor Arcana card.

Upright Collaboration, concentrated effort, growth and education, proficiency, acknowledgment
Reversed Lack of cooperation, absence of motivation, minimal goals, misalignment
Yes or No Yes
Numerology 3
Element Earth
Planet Saturn
Astrological Sign Capricorn

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Description

To fully comprehend the meaning of the Three of Pentacles tarot card, we’ll examine the illustration, its colors, and its symbolism.

The number three is considered sacred in many religions, including Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Wicca. Biblically, it also symbolizes wholeness, perfection, and fulfillment.

three of pentacles tarot

The threesome displayed in the Trio of Pentacles embodies these symbols and expresses the potency of cooperation.

The gateway in the middle of the scene incorporates three circular tokens that are interconnected. These symbols embody the significance of the Three of Pentacles and portray integration and partnership.

The illustration portrays a youthful apprentice working on something in a cathedral. He is standing on a bench and glancing back at the two gentlemen, a clergyman and a nobleman, who are guiding him. Some tarot decks also depict these two men holding blueprints, identifying them as architects of the structure.

Regardless of their roles, the elders and the stonemason are an evident team. At present, the pair is attentively listening to the stonemason. It appears that he is discussing his progress, and even though he has less experience, the body language of the duo indicates that they value his opinion due to his specialized expertise and skills.

This depiction suggests that collaborating with others as a team is crucial in accomplishing tasks and is the key to a fulfilling life. I’m certain that our stonemason and the two elders depicted on the card would concur with this sentiment.

Meaning of the Upright Three of Pentacles

If you are acquainted with pentacles, then you would already be aware that this suit is commonly associated with stability and growth in various aspects. Because the pentacles resemble coins and are often depicted as such in tarot decks, they are frequently assumed to be solely connected to finances.

However, the upright Three of Pentacles focuses less on money and more on expertise. It symbolizes learning and apprenticeship and provides reassurance that you are on the right path. It reminds you that you are proficient at what you do and that you are making progress.

Nevertheless, similar to how the Stoneman and the architects could not construct the cathedral alone, the Three of Pentacles card can also serve as a sign to collaborate with others.

The card advises you to acknowledge and appreciate the talents of those around you and encourages you to establish synergies to achieve even greater outcomes.

Financial and Career Meaning

When it comes to the Three of Pentacles, numerous ‘r’ words come to mind. If you have drawn this card in a tarot reading, rewards and recognition are on the horizon. However, this is only true if you are willing to put in the hard work.

In a career tarot spread, this card signifies dedication and a strong work ethic. As you can observe in the depiction, the apprentice is not a passive observer. He is fully focused on the task at hand, just like the others in the cathedral.

If the Three of Pentacles appears to you, consider it a sign that now is the time to engage in a new team project or financial endeavor. This could be a business concept, a potential promotion, returning to education, or any other pursuit that ignites your passion.

However, keep in mind that this is not something to tackle alone. You will need to collaborate with others to witness improvements in your financial standing. Dedication and working together are vital in anticipating a financial reward.

Love and Relationships Meaning

The collective spirit of the Three of Pentacles makes it a favorable card in love and relationship tarot readings.

In general, it signifies affection and approval from those in your vicinity. Camaraderie, familial bonds, and amorous partnerships will thrive under the guidance of the pentacle trio.

If you are unmarried and seeking that special someone, the presence of the Three of Pentacles indicates the need for assistance from others, such as a trusted companion or even a matchmaker, to satisfy your desire. Once you have a mentor of sorts, a new partner is likely to emerge and bring more vibrancy into your life.

Likewise, if you are already in a relationship, the prospects are favorable. Focusing on establishing a strong foundation of trust, respect, and communication will allow your union to thrive. The card suggests that your connection with your partner will grow even stronger, leading to a joyful life together.

Meaning in Terms of Health and Spirituality

Regarding matters of health and spirituality, the Three of PentaclesTarot card indicates that your hard work, dedication, and determination will soon yield visible results. It is essential not to give up.

Furthermore, if you require healing or improvement for specific issues or overall well-being, now is the time to take action. Whether it is spiritual or physical, it is important not to face it alone.

It is crucial to collaborate with a skilled individual, such as a doctor, therapist, personal trainer, or religious leader, to determine the appropriate solution. By doing so, the spirit of collaboration represented by this pentacle will lead to increased motivation and positive outcomes.

Reversed Meaning of the Three of Pentacles

Now, we will delve further into the meaning when the Three of Pentacles tarot card appears in the reversed position.

three of pentacles reversed

When reversed, the Three of Pentacles signifies the negative effects of a lack of focus and collaboration. It serves as a reminder that the African proverb “it takes a village” holds true.

In general, the words associated with this reversal are considered unfavorable. Phrases such as lack of collaboration, absence of motivation, subpar quality of work, limited goals, failure to learn from mistakes, and minimal growth are not particularly positive.

However, you should not perceive the message of the Three of Pentacles as a personal attack. Instead, view it as a reminder, a wake-up call, to identify what may be hindering your progress.

Have you been experiencing difficulties in a specific relationship or friendship? Are there issues with your coworkers? If you answer yes to these questions and the Three of Pentacles appears to you, it signifies that now is the time to reconcile.

Instead of dwelling on the negative aspects, it is crucial to refocus on aligning goals, strengthening relationships, and enhancing communication. While it may seem challenging, it is certainly within your capabilities.

All things considered, the first step is to take a personal inventory of every aspect of your life where more collaboration and motivation are needed. By doing so, you can overcome the warning conveyed by the reversed Three of Pentacles.

Keep in mind that growth is always possible. New opportunities and recognition are within your grasp. You must be willing to commit yourself.

Three of Coins: Affirmative or Negative

The Three of Coins in an Affirmative or Negative interpretation is a card of ‘affirmatives’ particularly when it comes to vocation and knowledge.

Have you been contemplating enrolling in an educational institution to acquire a skill or trade? Are you searching for a mentor to assist you in advancing to the next level? Is there an alternative career path that you have been contemplating? If so, now is the opportune moment.

Three of Coins and Astrology

In astrology, the “Three of Coins” embodies the significance of collaboration and teamwork. It acts as a reminder that combining individual talents and working harmoniously can lead to remarkable achievements.

When observing the Three of Coins in most decks, you will notice three figures gathered in what appears to be a workshop, connecting this card with expanding skills or garnering recognition in a craft.

This could easily correspond to any of the Earth Signs, so you can rely on your instinct. However, some may associate the intricate craftsmanship depicted with Capricorn when looking at the solid pillars portrayed in certain versions of this card.

Capricorn is diligent and industrious, capable of persevering even in the most monotonous work environments. This sign is also connected with structures, foundations, and frameworks.

Furthermore, the Three of Coins aligns with Taurus, another Earth Sign known for its practicality and determination. Taurus individuals possess a strong dedication to honing their skills and a solid work ethic, making them ideal candidates for the accomplishments depicted in this card.

Irrespective of the specific association with an Earth Sign, the card underscores the importance of discipline, devotion, and the pursuit of mastery within a chosen field or craft.

Significant Card Combinations

The Three of Coins revolves around teamwork, focused effort, growth, and learning. Depending on the accompanying cards, this can pertain to love, work, or travel. Below, you can discover the most significant combinations involving the Three of Coins.

Three of Coins and Moderation

The Three of Coins centers around completing tasks. The time has arrived to collaborate with someone else for the greater benefit.

Do you have a major project that you have been aspiring to accomplish but seem unable to finish? Is there a goal that you have always dreamed of but are uncertain where to begin?

If the answer is yes, then you need to acknowledge the importance of teamwork and cooperation and join forces with someone who shares your vision and aspirations.

Moderation suggests finding equilibrium with someone who can become your ‘partner in crime’.

Three of Coins and the Enamored

Are you in pursuit of a new romance? If so, you won’t need to search far. When combined with the Enamored card, the Three of Coins implies that your partner is present in your workplace.

Although mixing business with pleasure is typically discouraged, it may not be a detrimental idea. You just need to approach the situation cautiously and maintain a professional mindset while exploring the potential for romance with your colleague.

Establish clear boundaries, communicate openly, and ensure that your personal and professional lives remain balanced and separate.

Three of Coins and the Globe

Are you prepared to journey? This combination of cards suggests that it is time – with a twist. When the Globe and the Three of Coins come together, consider the possibility of a job overseas.

Are there opportunities in your field or perhaps a different one that would enable you to excel in a new location? If so, it might be time to take a leap of faith.

Three of Coins and the Three of Rods

If you do not have future plans in motion, what are you waiting for? When these three appear in the same reading, they convey a clear message: stop dwelling on the past and prepare for what is still to come.

Three of Coins and the Eight of Swords

Do you need a boost of inspiration? The Three of Coins and the Eight of Swords suggest that your confidence is dwindling. Perhaps you lack guidance or simply do not feel capable of fulfilling the tasks at hand.

Since the Three of Coins symbolizes cooperation, seek out a mentor who can assist you during this challenging period.

three of pentacles modern way tarot deck

Three of Coins in other decks

Purchase This Deck on Amazon!


Spark of Joy – available on Etsy You probably already have noticed that I write all my descriptions based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. But this does not mean that I do not utilize other decks as well.

And there are countless exquisite decks available! Below you will find a small assortment of beautiful Three of Coins cards.

Three of Coins in a Reading

That concludes the interpretation of the Three of Coins tarot card! If you have drawn this card in your reading, did the meaning resonate with your current life situation?

I appreciate hearing about accurate readings, so please take a moment to share in the comments below!

Are you a Tarot novice? Learn how to interpret the tarot in this Tarot Beginners Guide.

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