Meaning of the Five Wands Tarot Card

The Five of Rods is the ‘Hunger Games‘ of Tarot. If this Minor Arcana card appears in your reading, get ready for some intense competition.

Disputes and disharmony prevail when this card is in the mix. However, the outcome doesn’t have to be entirely negative.

If you’re willing to maintain your position while navigating through the challenges presented by the drama, you’ll emerge victorious.

The question is, do you possess the necessary qualities to ride the wave to the finish line?


Before delving deeper into the upright and reversed meaning of the Five of Wands card, as well as its connection to love, work, and life, let’s begin with a brief overview of the most significant words associated with this Rods card.

Upright Rivalry, disputes, injuries during aggressive or contact sports, conflicts, challenges
Reversed Agreement, collaboration, harmony, resolutions
Yes or No No
Numerology 5
Element Fire
Planet Sun
Astrological Sign Leo


To gain a complete understanding of the meaning behind the Five of Wands tarot card, let’s take a closer look at its illustration, colors, and symbolism.

five of wands tarot card

The image on the face of the Five of Wands is one of the simplest in the Tarot. Although there is always room for interpretation, it is clear that the five depicted men are engaged in conflict.

Their raised rods are not being used as weapons but are obstructing their progress as they collide with each other.

Their aggressive behavior is causing trouble, but no one appears willing to reach a compromise. Is this a positive situation? After all, only a battle can produce a winner.

Examine the other cards in your reading to determine if this is a case of healthy competition or something that will lead to a setback.

Five of Wands Tarot Meaning

The Suit of Wands represents the fire signs in Astrology, so it’s no surprise that the Five of Wands signifies passionate struggles and fiery conflicts.

When this card appears upright in a reading, it highlights disharmony in your life. You may find yourself engaged in mental or physical warfare with those around you.

This situation triggers feelings of contempt and anger among all parties involved in the fighting. Although there is always a resolution available, no one is interested in pursuing it.

If this speaks to you, you must delve deeply within to discover a means to restore harmony once more to your inner circle.

It is crucial to bear in mind that perpetual arguing doesn’t resolve issues, but rather it solely contributes to anxiety and disharmony in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

If you aspire to liberate yourself from the turmoil in your life, it is up to you to extend an olive branch.

Now is the opportunity to swallow your pride and utilize your communication abilities to uncover the root cause of your conflicts and conquer it definitively.

Money and Career Significance

The Five of Wands in a professional context is infamous for representing workplace discord. Are you in conflict with colleagues or your supervisor?

Are there numerous diverse viewpoints on the direction you should pursue moving forward? Now is your chance to demonstrate your skills.

What do you bring to the table? Don’t hesitate to present your ideas with confidence. Even if not everyone agrees, giving it your all ensures success, even if the outcome isn’t exactly what you desire.

In a positive interpretation, the Five of Wands symbolizes healthy competition and the opportunity to prove yourself. If you wish to earn a raise or climb the corporate ladder, anticipate some financial stress or instability.

Of course, this doesn’t imply that you will lose the competition. In fact, there is a strong possibility that you will emerge victorious.

You must concentrate all your energy on the task at hand and find ways to distinguish yourself from your rivals. May the most deserving person prevail.

With regards to finances, the Five of Wands indicates temporary personal financial difficulties. Rest assured that these problems won’t last indefinitely.

Focus your energy on devising solutions rather than dwelling on the predicament that your finances have placed you in. You will overcome this with time.

Love and Relationships Significance

When it concerns love and romantic relationships, the Five of Wands suggests that there are conflicts in paradise.

If you are single, you might find it challenging to stand out or sense that you are competing with others for the same partner.

Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be this way. By tapping into your authentic self and refusing to engage in competition with others, you will discover the person who is right for you.

If you are in a relationship, oftentimes the trouble is not caused by you or your partner but by external forces seeking to interfere.

It can also indicate issues of jealousy and insecurity. In some cases, your partner might even become your rival.

If this is the situation, find ways to come together and function as a team. What brought you together initially? Focus on these aspects instead of the negative.

If you constantly argue with your partner or seem to be engaged in a battle of wills, you will need to make a decision.

Is it time to strengthen your determination, compromise, or perhaps even move on? Only you can discern the answer.

But one thing is certain: someone will need to be flexible if you hope to find relief from this affliction.

Take a thorough look in the mirror and determine what actions you can take to bring about the change you desire in your partnership. It all begins with you!

Significance of Health and Spirituality

When the Five of Staves appears in a well-being spread, the tarot reading for health suggests that you will be engaged in a struggle or confrontation with an ailment.

It might also function as a cautionary signal that you need to allocate time for self-care and relaxation.

If you are taking on an excessive number of projects simultaneously and feeling overwhelmed, it would be wise to take a step back. Persisting in overextending yourself could potentially result in a battle with a health problem like hypertension in your future.

Allocating some time to recharge your energy can serve as a preventive measure against this.

Are you entangled in pessimistic thoughts and emotions? If so, this could be materializing in a physical manner.

If you desire to enhance this aspect, seek ways to alleviate stress and embrace gratitude and optimism.

This is unquestionably easier said than done in the presence of chaos, but by focusing on all the positivity, you will be able to drown out negativity.

Bear in mind that the past cannot be altered, but you have complete control over the direction in which you move forward. You possess absolute authority over your reality.

Reversed Five of Wands

In this section, we will delve further into the implications of drawing the Five of Wands tarot card in the reversed position (upside down).

five of wands reversed

The reversed Five of Wands carries a distinctive message as one of the rare Tarot cards that conveys a more positive meaning when inverted.

At this juncture, you may be feeling exhausted, particularly if you sense that the conflicts you are experiencing at work or home are never-ending.

The description of the Reversed Five of Wands Tarot implies that whatever struggles you have been enduring, whether internal or external, will soon be resolved. If you have been engaged in competition with others, a resolution will swiftly present itself.

If the Reversed Five of Wands appears in the future position, it predicts conflicts and battles that will promptly come to an end if you are willing to compromise.

What do you desire most? If it is peace and harmony, you may need to consider surrendering the fight to emerge victorious in the long run.

Five of Wands: Affirmative or Negative

If the card appears upright in a Yes or No spread, the answer is usually in the negative.

The Five of Wands, when used to provide a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, symbolizes obstacles that are beyond your control.

This does not imply that your desires won’t materialize at a later date. However, the turmoil and conflicts surrounding the situation currently make it unlikely to progress in a positive manner.

Five of Wands and Astrology

The Five of Wands is linked to the astrological sign Leo.

The primary attributes of this sign are empathy and generosity, awareness, determination, and innate guidance. Leo is governed by the Sun and demonstrates our capability to radiate and articulate our genuine talents and self-assurance.

Significant Card Combinations

The Five of Wands represents rivalry, disputes, and obstacles. However, when paired with other cards, this meaning can slightly alter. Below you can discover the most crucial Five of Wands card combinations.

Five of Wands and the Emperor

The Five of Wands joined with the Emperor indicates that someone is challenging authority or those in positions of decision-making. Is it you?

Whether you are the rebel or the one facing the opposition, you must determine if you will maintain your position or cooperate. What is at stake here? You should thoroughly examine each path before making a decision.

Five of Wands and the Three of Cups

Jealousy is manifesting itself. Perhaps you have been experiencing envy, or it could be that someone else has been slightly envious.

The Five of Wands along with the Three of Cups serves as a reminder that while friendly competition is beneficial, excessive competition can lead to unnecessary drama and confusion.

Five of Wands and The High Priestess

When combined with the High Priestess, the Five of Wands suggests that the conflict is internal. Therefore, personal reflection and personal growth are necessary.

Are there aspects of yourself or your situation that you are dissatisfied with? Connecting with your genuine self and relying on your own instinct will enhance your circumstances.

Five of Wands and The Wheel of Fortune

The combination of cards with the Wheel of Fortune indicates that now is the time to embrace your distinctiveness and find ways to stand out from the crowd.

If you desire a promotion, intend to start a business, or aim to elevate any aspect of your life, you will need to demonstrate what distinguishes you.

This does not imply altering who you are, but rather accentuating the positive aspects of yourself that make you (or your business) exceptional.

Five of Wands and The Hanged Man

Are you feeling excluded or uninformed? When paired with the Five of Wands, the Hanged Man suggests isolation that is not a result of your own actions.

The key is not to allow the perceived rejection from others to impact your well-being. It is possible that their distance is not personal.

To ascertain if this is the case, attempt to initiate contact and reach out.

If the refusal is a fact, acknowledge your emotions and attempt to enhance other links that will assist you in regaining a sense of completeness once more.

Five of Staves and Ace of Coins

The Five of Staves along with the Ace of Coins indicates an upcoming job interview. For those who are without work, the conclusion of your hardship is close.

If you hold a position that brings you no joy, now is the moment to explore other opportunities. Take the plunge and pursue your ideal occupation – if you do it promptly, you have an excellent chance of obtaining it.

Five of Staves and Seven of Goblets 

When the Five of Staves and the Seven of Goblets appear together in a spread, it serves as a caution against wasting time. If you have a project that you have been postponing, now is the moment to cease procrastinating.

Collect all your energy and direct it towards completing tasks. The satisfaction and delight that will ensue will make it entirely worthwhile!

Five of Staves Tarot Cards

The depiction of the Five of Staves in this article is based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. This does not imply that I employ other decks as well. And there are numerous magnificent decks available! Therefore, I have included some of my cherished Five of Staves cards in this article.

five of wands lovefive of wands spark of joy

Spark of Joy TarotEugene Smith via Behance.netModern Way Tarot


Due to the abundance of Minor Arcana cards, it can be difficult to recall their individual meanings.

five of wands modern way tarot deck

To assist you in gaining a better understanding of this card (and others), I have compiled a FAQ section that will highlight and address some of the most commonly asked questions posed by my readers regarding specific cards.

Here are the top four questions asked about the Five of Staves.

What does the Five of Staves Signify?

We typically view a ‘high-five’ as a sign of agreement, but that certainly is not the case with the Five of Staves. Conflict between personalities, furious egos, battles, and a lack of cooperation all prevail when this card is present.

Although it’s challenging to perceive it in a favorable manner, just like every tarot cards, the Five of Wands delivers a significant communication. Perhaps you are oblivious to the turmoil that is currently occurring? If this happens to be the situation, you must remove your mind from the sand and confront these issues directly.

What is the Meaning of the Reversed Five of Wands?

It is uncommon for a reversed card to have a more optimistic significance than its upright counterpart. However, this is the case with the reversed Five of Wands. In its upright position, it symbolizes conflict. When the card is reversed, it indicates the nearing conclusion of the dispute. If you have been engaged in a power struggle or continuously fighting battles, the Reversed Five of Wands signifies a willingness to surrender. Compromise is now attainable, and a resolution can be reached if you are willing to lay down your arms.

What is the Interpretation of the Five of Wands in a Love Reading?

It is often said that “All is fair in love and war.” I seldom witness the Five of Wands appearing in harmonious relationships. On the contrary, this card emerges when two individuals are at odds with each other. If you find yourself in conflict with your partner, it is important to carefully consider your next course of action. Is the relationship worth the drama and disorder? Should you maintain your position or seek a compromise? Ultimately, the decision lies in your hands.

Does the Five of Wands Indicate a Yes or No?

The Five of Wands is an affirmative card, but it signifies that achieving what you desire will require a significant amount of effort. You must be prepared to fight for what you want. There may be a few obstacles along the way, but as with all cards in the Suit of Wands, one’s determination can lead to positive outcomes in the end.


That concludes the interpretation of the Five of Wands Tarot card! If you have drawn this card in your tarot spread, does the interpretation resonate with your current life situation?

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