Meaning of the Eight of Wands Tarot Card

The Eight of Staves indicates a moment of prompt activity, quick progression, and forward motion, encouraging you to seize opportunities and expect swift outcomes.

This card is filled with an electrifying energy that propels your aspirations into the realm of reality faster than you could have envisioned. The universe is aligning, and the things you’ve longed for are swiftly shifting from the realm of desire to the world of tangible existence.

Eight of Wands Tarot Card

It’s time to lace up your running shoes and prepare yourself for the increase in pace!


Category Interpretation
Upright Keywords  Rapid motion, High speed, Vacation Romance, Business Trip Receiving news, Gaining momentum, Thrilling times
Reversed Keywords Feeling immobilized, Inopportune timing, Getting a delayed start, Losing grip, Losing Momentum, Missed opportunities
Yes or No Yes
Numerology  8
Element Fire
Planet Jupiter
Astrological Sign Sagittarius
Card Combinations • With The Fool or Temperance: Travel or adventure• With The Moon: Following your instincts even in difficult situations• With the Page of Cups: A caution against impulsivity• With The World: Focus on education and learning
Tarot Card Meanings Positive Energy, Eight staves soaring through a blue sky, indicating swift movement and change. No individuals are depicted in the card, emphasizing the focus on actions and events rather than individuals.

Eight of Wands Card Meaning

Understanding the Eight of Staves: Unleashing Your Rockets of Desire

To fully grasp the Eight of Staves tarot card meaning, we will first examine the illustration, colors, and symbolism of this Swords card.

The Eight of Staves tarot card, as depicted in the renowned Rider-Waite deck, presents a fascinating, albeit somewhat paradoxical, illustration. Despite its seemingly stationary imagery, it encapsulates a dynamic essence, embodying the speed of movement and the thrill of change.

The simplicity of the card is very noticeable in stark contrast to its profound message. It does not showcase any human figures, which sets it apart from most of the Minor Arcana cards in a metaphorical sense. Instead, it cleverly utilizes the symbolism of eight wands or staves swiftly gliding across a clear sky.

eight of wands tarot card

The background of the card, with distant mountains and a winding river, subtly enhances its depth, even though they primarily serve as aesthetic elements. The true magic lies within those eight soaring wands.

They represent the symbolic ‘rockets of longing,’ suggesting that when you direct your passions and concentrate on your true objectives, you can achieve significant benefits.

The core message here is that much can be gained when you send out rockets (or wands) of longing and focus solely on the things that matter.

The great storyteller, Aesop, may have believed that slow and steady wins the race, but the Eight of Wands disagrees. Motion, travel, and thrilling projects await those visited by the Eight of Wands.

This card often emerges during readings when you anticipate visitors or a positive sign of new energy entering your life. It signals an upcoming surge of positivity, a wave of enthusiasm that can rejuvenate your spirit.

If you find yourself trapped in a routine or stuck on a level in any aspect of your life, the Eight of Wands promises transformation.

It is a clear call to seize the moment, to act promptly, and to create an invigorating, fresh chapter of your life story.

Money and Career Meaning

Do you feel like you have reached a plateau in your career or financial life? The Eight of Wands tarot card is your signal to change gears and accelerate towards your professional and monetary goals.

It is a call to take action, urging you not to fear late nights at work or embarking on new ventures. Finish any pending tasks that may be tying you to the current situation.

The Eight of Wands is also a card of ‘news,’ so it is likely that you will soon acquire some much-needed information. With your dedicated efforts, this card can be the catalyst that propels you to new heights in your chosen field.

Love and Relationships Meaning

The Eight of Wands has more of a focus on love than on career. The wands can symbolize Cupid’s arrow.

If you are searching for love, a whirlwind romance is on its way. Although you may fall deeply and quickly, make sure to exercise some caution.

Sustaining a relationship requires more than just an instant attraction. Take the time to truly get to know your new partner once they arrive. Otherwise, your connection may fizzle out.

If you are already in a committed relationship, now is the perfect time to fall in love with your partner all over again. Go on dates and find ways to add excitement.

Look for new and exciting activities to do together, just the two of you, without kids or pets. Introducing fresh elements keeps a partnership healthy over time.


When it comes to health, the Eight of Wands can sometimes bring challenging news, especially when reversed. You may be dealing with illness, lethargy, or even depression. While recovery is guaranteed, it may require patience and time.

It’s vital not to rush the process of healing. Pushing beyond your limits might only worsen the situation. Instead, consider embracing a holistic lifestyle change that includes spiritual practices to enhance your overall well-being. Engage in meditation, clearing your chakras, prayer, yoga, and maintain a journal of gratitude. These practices can assist you in achieving balance and harmony.

In your pursuit of better health, concentrate your intentions on your desired outcome, whether it’s recovery or achieving optimal health. Discard any thoughts that don’t align with these goals.

Are you unwell? Do you lack energy? Are you experiencing depression? Although you will recover from your current afflictions, it may take a while.

Reversed Eight of Wands

Reflect on everything you have learned about the Eight of Wands in its upright position and reverse it. This is the Reversed Eight of Wands.

Things will progress slowly, with little advancement, and important travel plans may need to be canceled.

Whatever you have in mind right now probably won’t unfold as you hope. If this is the case, try not to panic or lose control. This will only intensify the negative experiences and make them worse, like a snowball effect.

eight of wands reversed

Instead, take things day by day and try to complete as much unfinished business as possible. Difficult times won’t last forever, and you will be back on track soon.

Eight of Wands: Affirmative or Negative

If your question pertains to moving or traveling, the answer is a definite ‘yes.’

It indicates the perfect time to embark on a journey, both physically and metaphorically, and embrace the new experiences that await you.

In matters of the heart, the interpretation of the Eight of Wands can be more nuanced. While the card does signify a surge of romance, it often represents relationships that are intense but short-lived. They burn brightly and passionately, only to fade as quickly as they ignited. If your question involves a long-term romantic commitment, the answer may be less certain.

For a more precise response, consider drawing additional cards to comprehend the influence of the Eight of Wands within the broader context of your reading. The surrounding cards can offer valuable insights into the potential course of your romantic endeavors.

Eight of Wands and Astrology

The Eight of Wands shares a close celestial bond with the zodiac sign Sagittarius, establishing a connection that incorporates a fascinating blend of traits and energy. Sagittarius, governed by the expansive, abundant, and fortunate planet Jupiter, embodies a spirit of adventure, optimism, and an incessant pursuit of knowledge.

The Sagittarian spirit is mirrored in the Eight of Wands through a shared inclination for movement and change. Just as Sagittarius is always seeking, eager to explore new horizons, the Eight of Wands also signifies swift transitions, forward momentum, and the rapid progression of ideas or events.

Sagittarius, with its inherent inclination for taking risks, resonates with the Eight of Wands’ call for swift actions, sometimes without fully knowing what lies ahead.

However, this aspect of the unknown doesn’t discourage the Sagittarian spirit, nor does it diminish the bright promise of the Eight of Wands.

  • Inclining towards ambiguity


    Perceiving uncertainty

    Recognizing potential

    Accepting the unknown

    Embracing the chance for development and enlightenment

Sagittarians are known for their keen business acumen, a characteristic that pairs well with the Eight of Wands’ emphasis on progress and forward movement. When this card appears in a career-focused reading, it may imply that adopting a Sagittarian approach – embracing risk, thinking big, and being receptive to rapid change – could lead to significant professional advancement.

Significant Card Combinations

The Eight of Wands is a lively symbol of momentum, transformative periods, and dynamic energy. When it combines with other cards in a reading, its central themes remain consistent, though their interpretation may subtly shift. Let’s explore some of the most prominent card combinations involving the Eight of Wands.

The Eight of Wands and the Fool or Temperance

When the Eight of Wands teams up with The Fool, it’s a clear signal to embark on an adventure. Embrace the spirit of spontaneity and exploration embodied by The Fool. If you’ve been contemplating a journey, the universe is nudging you to finalize those plans. Not only will this expedition be a joyful experience, but it may also pave the way for a potential relocation.

However, if Temperance emerges alongside the Eight of Wands, your journey may span greater distances than you initially anticipated. The combination of these cards points towards long-distance travel and the equilibrium it brings to your life.

The Eight of Wands and the Moon

The Eight of Wands combined with the Moon is a highly potent combination that advises you to follow your intuition, even if it seems counterintuitive or challenging. In the end, it will become evident that your gut feeling was accurate, and you will be rewarded for trusting your inner self. While this may prove challenging due to the influence of others, you will ultimately be much happier if you listen to your instincts.

The Eight of Wands and the Page of Cups

The Eight of Wands typically encourages a “go for it” mentality, but it’s essential to maintain balance, especially when matters of the heart or finances are at stake. The presence of the Page of Cups alongside this eight advises caution.

Love and money can stir deep emotional reactions, and impulsive decisions in these areas can lead to regrets. So, while the Eight of Wands urges forward movement, the Page of Cups gently reminds you to temper your actions with thoughtful consideration.

The Eight of Wands and the World

When the Eight of Wands combines with The World card, the focus shifts to the realm of education. A vast universe of knowledge awaits your exploration.

  • This pairing could indicate formal schooling, professional training, or exploring more profound aspects of spirituality such as divination with tarot cards.

Consider which areas truly capture your curiosity; your passions are the ideal starting point for this educational journey. Embrace this chance to broaden your horizons and enhance your comprehension of the world.


That’s everything for the Eight of Wands Tarot card interpretation! If you have drawn this card in your tarot layout, did the interpretation align with your life situation?

To summarize our extensive exploration of the Eight of Wands, we have discovered it to be a potent symbol of momentum, transformative vitality, and swift advancement. 

With its connections to the adventurous Sagittarius, it champions daring action, exhilarating journeys, and rapid progress, both in relationships and careers. Its impact in tarot combinations provides nuanced meanings, emphasizing balance, intuition, and ongoing learning.

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