Love, Wealth, and Well-being: Understanding the Significance of the Hermit Tarot Card

Human connection is one of the most crucial aspects of existence. However, there are occasions when we must retreat from others instead of moving closer to them. This is the lesson imparted by the Hermit (IX), one of the most renowned Major Arcana cards. Nonetheless, very few individuals are aware of and comprehend its true significance.

Most individuals assume that it carries a negative implication and represents unpleasant emotions such as solitude. While this can be true in the opposite sense, the Hermit genuinely symbolizes reclaiming one’s personal power and living authentically.

Here, we will delve into the detailed meaning of the Hermit Tarot Card. So, if you desire to learn more about this Major Arcana card, keep reading.

The Hermit Tarot Card: Essential Terminology

Before exploring the meaning of the upright and reversed Hermit card, let us briefly examine the most significant words associated with this Major Arcana card.

Upright Wisdom, introspection, seclusion, spiritual illumination, receiving or providing guidance
Reversed Solitude, isolation, paranoia, sorrow, being overwhelmed or paralyzed by fear
Yes or No No
Numerology 9
Element Earth
Planet Mercury
Astrological Sign Virgo

The Hermit Tarot Card Description

the hermit tarot card meaning rider waite

Carrying a lantern in one hand and a staff in the other, the Hermit stands atop a snow-covered mountain.

The sky appears dreary behind him, and his gray attire represents the vast potential that lies between black and white. With his head bowed, the light from the Hermit’s lantern shines brightly, symbolizing the wealth of knowledge he possesses.

It is important to note that the lantern only illuminates a portion of the path ahead, rather than the entire journey. This signifies that the hermit must proceed step by step on his journey and accept that not everything will be revealed all at once.

The Honest Recluse Tarot Card Significance

In the unaltered position, the Recluse is a captivating card. Just as signals of brightness frequently guide vessels to the coastline, this wise person in the portrayal is ushering in a period of personal development and exploration. Therefore, the Recluse unaltered represents knowledge earned by searching for the ultimate truth.


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Taking time in solitude without disruptions, introspecting, and concentrating less on external stimuli are significant for discovering answers within oneself. It necessitates patience, self-acceptance, and relinquishment, which are characteristics that you can develop and nurture with time.

Although this can appear a bit frightening initially, committing to a personal pursuit of truth can be one of the most fulfilling experiences of life.

Finances and Occupation Significance

For most of us, toiling and generating income is an essential part of life. Unless you were born with a privileged upbringing or received a monetary windfall of some sort, you’ll probably have to dedicate at least some of your time to earning a livelihood. However, this doesn’t imply that your profession has to control your existence.

When the Recluse Tarot Card emerges in a finances and occupation reading, it can suggest that you are excessively fixated on laboring when you ought not to be. Instead of being entirely devoted to material pursuits, you should concentrate on your spiritual expansion as well to achieve equilibrium.

The Contemporary Manner Tarot®

the hermit modern way tarot deck card

As time progresses, money might not be sufficient to satiate you or bring you contentment, especially if you find yourself in a vocation that doesn’t bring you joy. Consequently, take some time to evaluate whether you are truly content with your current endeavors or if you are merely adhering to the established order.

Love and Intimate Relations Significance

When it concerns the Recluse Tarot’s meaning regarding love, it certainly isn’t a favorable ‘romantic’ card.

However, it does not necessarily imply the termination of a connection or being unattached, even though it can.

If you are not in a relationship and desire love, you must evaluate your present circumstances to determine if you are truly prepared for a relationship.

Do you struggle with seeking confirmation from others? Focus on resolving that issue. If you have dependency or safety concerns, dedicate time to address those aspects so that you can attract a partner or positive energy. By doing so, you will avoid attracting someone who reflects those same challenges.

If you are committed and wish to remain that way, that is commendable. However, it does not mean that you should overlook the message of the Hermit. Ensure that you invest just as much effort into yourself as you do into your partner and family.

In this way, you will be able to maintain a healthy balance between your marriage, family, and personal well-being. Just be cautious not to become so consumed by your marriage and other relationships that you neglect the relationship with yourself.

Significance of Health and Spirituality

More than any other card in the Tarot deck, the focus of the Hermit is on spirituality. In fact, the central message of the Hermit is to prioritize spiritual enlightenment and connecting with one’s higher self through inward focus.

If this card appears in your reading, concentrate on spiritual practices such as meditation, connecting with spirit guides, and learning about and working with crystals.

hermit tarot card meanings reversed position

Since this process is highly personal, it may require some solitude. However, remember that solitude does not necessarily have negative connotations.

Once you elevate your spiritual energy, every aspect of your daily life will improve, including your health, relationships, and finances.

Reversed Interpretation of the Hermit

When the Hermit Tarot Card is reversed, it signifies the problematic or negative aspects of disconnecting from others. Are you feeling isolated or lonely?

Perhaps you are grappling with feelings of sadness and grief due to a significant loss or various other circumstances that can leave an individual feeling “out of touch.”

The reversed Hermit Tarot card wants you to understand that running away from your problems or emotions is not the solution. The only caution is to avoid allowing paranoia or fear to guide your actions.

As challenging as it may seem, it is important to acknowledge reality and embrace your feelings. This will make it easier for you to move forward and discover new opportunities for personal growth and healing.

Reversed Meaning in terms of Money and Career

Regarding finances and career, the reversed Hermit Card indicates that it is a favorable time to seek guidance from an experienced individual, such as a mentor, for investment or financial advice.

This means that you should refrain from involving yourself in unfamiliar situations and consider seeking external input when making financial decisions.

When the reversed Hermit appears in a money and career tarot reading, it suggests that avoiding networking and refraining from putting yourself out there may hinder your progress. Even if you prefer working independently, there are instances where collaboration and teamwork are essential for advancement.

For instance, if you are seeking a new job, explore ways to step out of your comfort zone and collaborate with others to discover new approaches to securing employment.

In simple terms, this card in reversed form indicates the conclusion of a reflective phase.

Reintegration into Society

It serves as a gentle reminder that at this moment, it is opportune to reintegrate into the community while possessing a more lucid comprehension of your professional aspirations and wants.

Adore and Connections Reversed Significance

When the reversed Solitary seems in a love Tarot interpretation, it signifies sensations of seclusion. If you’re in a partnership, it may indicate refusal or emotional detachment from your spouse.

Busy schedules could be impeding quality time collectively, leading to a sense of seclusion.

In the context of being single, the reversed Solitary may indicate a dread of abandonment or missed chances for a fantastic connection.

To overcome these fears, it’s important to put yourself out there and actively seek love again. If you’ve recently undergone a breakup, there might be a desire to reconcile with your ex.

The reversed Solitary may also suggest a period of imposed solitude rather than one by choice. Utilizing this time to focus on personal goals and comprehend your desires in a partner and life will establish the groundwork for a strong, long-term partnership.

If you’re already in a partnership, be aware of any drifting apart and take immediate measures to address the issue.

Well-being and Spirituality Reversed Significance

When the Solitary Tarot card appears reversed in a well-being and spirituality interpretation, it could suggest that you’re experiencing psychological well-being issues like anxiety or feeling overwhelmed.

The appearance of this card reminds you to take care of yourself and decelerate before your well-being is affected.

In today’s fast-paced world, stress and worry can take a toll on our mental and physical well-being. The Solitary’s advice is to find joy in the simple things and avoid taking on too much.

You might want to consider incorporating exercise, meditation, and alone time into your routine to help manage stress and enhance your overall well-being.

The reversed Solitary may also indicate that your current well-being practices aren’t working, and it’s time to make some changes. Take small steps to create healthier habits that will have a positive impact on your long-term well-being.

The Solitary: Yes or No

In a Yes or No Tarot interpretation, the Solitary, for the most part, is a “no”. Unless you are asking if you should seek spiritual guidance or focus on yourself, the Solitary serves as a stop sign.

This isn’t to say that you can’t have what it is you want in the future. However, some preparation must come first.

The Solitary Tarot Combinations

The Solitary represents sagacity, spiritual enlightenment, and receiving or giving guidance — also in combination with other cards.

Below you can find the most important card combinations of the Solitary tarot card.

The Solitary and the Seven of Clubs

You were born to teach! If you’ve never considered yourself a guru of any kind, it is time to look at your skill sets and find something that you could share with others.

hermit and high priestess combinations tarot

Do you dance, create paintings, or practice yoga? When you think of yourself, what are you really good at? If you don’t know, the Solitary combined with the Seven of Clubs is encouraging you to take some time to look within.

The Solitary and the High Priestess

Both the Solitary and the High Priestess are connected to introspection and seeking wisdom from within.

When they are coupled, the communication becomes even more distinct and robust.

The Recluse The Supreme Priestess

Utilize this period to foster your divine aspect. Take a break and heed your inner knowing. Your higher self always discerns what is optimal for you. The crucial point is acquiring the ability to rely upon this internal sagacity and guidance.

hermit and lovers card combinations tarot

The Recluse and the Moon or the Monarch of Chalices

Do you possess a talent for writing? If paired with either the Monarch of Chalices or the Lunar Tarot Card, the Recluse may be urging you to embrace this vocation. Blogging, journalism, or composing songs/poems can be employed as either a pastime or a profession. The decision is truly up to you!

The Recluse and the Paramours

Despite your affinity for independence, a partnership is approaching if the Paramours card manifests alongside the Recluse. This could be a camaraderie, but it is likely to be a romantic alliance.

The Recluse The Paramours

Regardless, it is destined to uplift you on a celestial level. This will be a favorable partnership as long as you both allocate time to nurture your individual needs alongside your bond.

the hermit tarot

The Recluse Art

Although I compose all the descriptions founded on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, I employ other decks as well. Below you can discover a petite selection of breathtaking Recluse tarot cards. If you drew a tarot card yourself and wish to share it, I would love to hear from you.

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Acquire This Deck on AmazonA Small Spark of JoyPavel le Monstre via Behance.netFloh Florence Pitot via Behance.netZiyi Zoe Hu via Behance.netNatasja van Gestel via

hermit tarot lovethe hermit tarot card

The Recluse in a Reading

That concludes the interpretation of the Recluse tarot card! If you have drawn the Recluse tarot card in your layout, did the interpretation resonate with your life situation?

Just recall that the Recluse is not concerned with uncomfortable emotions like loneliness, but rather about reclaiming your personal authority and living authentically.

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