Achieving Success, Determination, Taking Action, and Beyond with the Chariot Tarot

Are you prepared to dominate your emotions and take charge when it pertains to your own life? The Chariot tarot card is the seventh card in the Major Arcana cards of the tarot deck and appears when an individual is resolute to triumph or succeed at any expense.

Alternative names for the Chariot are the Centurion or Victory and it is connected to the Cancer zodiac sign.

Because it signifies determination, triumph, and direction that inclines towards positivity, you will often receive the Chariot tarot card in a reading when your guides want you to concentrate your energy on a specific path or purpose.

The Chariot Tarot Key Words

Before delving deeper into the upright- and reversed Chariot tarot meaning, and its connection to love, work, and life, let’s quickly examine some of the most significant words associated with this Major Arcana card.

The Chariot Tarot Card Description

To fully comprehend the meaning of the Chariot tarot card, we will initially examine the illustration, its colors, and symbolism.

the chariot tarot card

The Chariot in a Tarot reading is one of the most intricate cards to explain. The card depicts a warrior standing within a Chariot.

The Chariot ascends above the city as if to convey that the warrior inside the Chariot stands alone above all humans as the conqueror. However, the square on his tunic – illustrating the element of earth – and the material world surrounding him assist the warrior to remain grounded.

The armor he wears is adorned with crescent moons, signifying new journeys, and other alchemical symbols, expressing spiritual transformation. The star crown on his head indicates victory, success, and enlightenment.

The warrior stands upright symbolizing that he is wholly dedicated to taking action and progressing forward. The star canopy above the Chariot suggests his connection to the divine realm and the spiritual will.

The two black and white sphinxes in front of the Chariot represent our senses – conscious and unconscious. The black sphinx represents the moon, the feminine, and the unconscious. The white sphinx represents the sun, the masculine, and the conscious. Together they create harmony and equilibrium.

Because the sphinxes are pulling the chariot, the Charioteer must command with his determination and willpower in order to succeed. They may appear content in the image, but they can encounter difficulties if they move in separate directions.

Therefore, the Charioteer must concentrate and utilize his ability to manage his emotions and thoughts to guide the sphinxes towards the destination he desires.

The Chariot Tarot Card Meaning

When the upright Chariot tarot card appears in a tarot reading, it indicates that now is the moment to acquire what you desire. Regard this card as a sign of encouragement.

The Chariot tarot card is all about surmounting obstacles and attaining your objective through determination, focus, and willpower. You will feel motivated, ambitious, and in control.

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Merely sustain concentration and have faith in your own capabilities and you will accomplish your objective. The Chariot reveals that a victory is awaiting you and that you possess complete authority to make it come to fruition.

Whether it pertains to your profession, financial situation, romantic relationships, or any other aspect, you can realize your goal through passionate pursuit. You should not adopt a passive stance, but rather take action.

This might entail competing with others or finding yourself in a situation that resembles a battle. You may feel torn in opposite directions or as if your strength and confidence are being put to the test.

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In such circumstances, the Chariot encourages you to have confidence and draw upon your determination. Be brave and audacious in manifesting your desires and establishing your boundaries.

This will enable you to endure the hardships and remain strong and in control.

Lastly, and quite literally, the Chariot can indicate a journey, particularly driving or embarking on a road trip.

The Chariot Reversed

In this section, we will discuss the implications of drawing the Chariot in the reversed position.

The reversed Chariot tarot card can signify failure, defeat, and a lack of authority. When the Chariot appears upside down in your reading, it can suggest that you have lost your resolve and willingness.

Are you allowing obstacles and challenges to impede your progress and prevent you from achieving your goal? Have you relinquished your determination to continue?

the chariot reversed

If so, the reversed Chariot advises you to pause for a moment. Reflect on the reasons why you initially wanted to accomplish your goal.

Question whether you are inclined to give up as soon as things become difficult, or if you are capable of following through on your commitment.

The Chariot reversed can also indicate a lack of motivation, direction, or focus, or an excessive preoccupation with the goals you wish to achieve.

While the upright Chariot tarot card informs you that you can accomplish your goals as long as you possess the bravery to do so, the reversed Chariot suggests that desiring control is not always the solution.

It may imply that there will be aspects that you cannot alter and advises you to loosen your hold and allow things to proceed naturally.

Lastly, the reversed Chariot tarot card can indicate that you have lost your sense of direction and control over your life. Are you in a situation where there are numerous opposing forces and do you avoid making decisions?

If so, the Chariot advises you to take a pause and reflect on your principles and convictions. They will assist you in making the choices you have been evading, which will instill self-assurance and self-worth in you.

Be courageous and proactive and remind yourself that you still embody the formidable attributes of the courageous Charioteer.

You are the captain of your own ship and you are the sole determiner of your own destiny. Achievement stems from action, not avoidance.

The Chariot Tarot Professional Significance

The Chariot tarot card conveys various messages in relation to the physical realm – particularly money and your career – one of which is that you should concentrate on the ultimate objective (the bigger picture) instead of getting swamped by life’s ups and downs.

If you are working towards a degree/certification, striving for a promotion, or actively seeking employment in hopes of securing a better position, focus on your goal.

By directing all your energy towards a positive aim, you will be less inclined to obsess over the negative.

This will enable you to work in tandem with the Law of Attraction and manifest the things you desire, including financial prosperity and an overall improved financial outlook.

  • Concentrate on your ultimate objective
  • Maintain a positive outlook
  • Harmonize with the Law of Attraction

The Chariot Tarot Romance Significance

The Chariot tarot card is not particularly encouraging when it comes to a love reading, even when combined with the Lovers or Cups cards, as it can represent issues of control or feeling pressured to conform in relationships.

It also symbolizes trivial arguments, competition, and jealousy between partners. If this is currently happening in your relationships, you must take a firm stance.

If there is a way to communicate and resolve your problems, you should do so. However, you should never allow yourself to be taken advantage of or mistreated while compromising your own desires.

If you are single or trying to recover from a painful relationship, the Chariot tarot card in the context of love often represents the kind of self-care and self-love that should govern our lives.

Are there any fears or negative belief systems that are preventing you from experiencing and deserving love?

By identifying and overcoming these obstacles, you will be able to progress on a path that leads to the fulfillment of all your desires, including those of a romantic nature.

  • In relationships: take a firm stance
  • Communicate and resolve your issues
  • Prioritize self-care
  • Determine if there are any barriers that hinder you from finding love

The Chariot Tarot Well-being Significance

Both health and spirituality readings experience a positive shift when the Chariot speeds past. The primary message is that you must seize control and make things occur.

In ancient times, the charioteer was a warrior who displayed bravery and valor when entering battle.

You must adopt that same identity when striving for physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being. You are your greatest advocate!

  • Seize control
  • Show bravery and valor

The Chariot: Yes or No

The Chariot’s presence always signifies strong energy. If you seek a yes or no answer and draw the Chariot tarot card, the answer is yes – with just one condition. When you move forward, you must do so decisively and with utmost effort.

Remaining undecided or indecisive will only lead to failure. You must give it your all to achieve success in this relationship, investment, or endeavor. Embrace your inner Charioteer!

The Chariot Tarot Card and Numerology

The Chariot tarot card is associated with the number seven. Seven arouses desire within us. It signals that there is more to life and entices us to pursue a goal.

Seven is also a number of stagnation and self-reflection. The Chariot poses the question, “What do I need to change before I can progress?” Which path should he take?

Therefore, before pursuing your dreams, take the time to delve deep into your subconscious mind and attempt to connect with your higher self.

Seven in numerology is also recognized as a fortunate number and in certain religions, it is associated with positive mystical experiences.

The Chariot Tarot Card and Astrology

The Chariot tarot card is linked to Cancer, which is governed by the Moon. This is because the Chariot is still and, like the crab (Cancer’s symbol), it moves sideways instead of moving directly forward.

Water is the element associated with the Cancer Zodiac Sign and the Moon.

This card is also associated with Sagittarius due to the connection between animal instinct and higher wisdom. Sagittarius is a Centaur and, in the Tarot, a Sphinx pulls the Chariot.

chariot tower tarot card combination

The Chariot Tarot Card Combinations

Like all other Major Arcana cards, the Chariot assumes a more intricate meaning when combined with certain cards.

The Tower, the Magician, the Moon, and the Six of Wands hold particularly significant meanings when associated with the number VII (seven). Their messages are outlined below.

The Chariot and the Tower

There is no way to sugarcoat it. When the Chariot and the Tower appear together, a defeat or failure is imminent.

chariot the magician tarot card combination

The Chariot The Tower

This can be a bit disheartening, particularly if you were anticipating positive news from your reading (who isn’t, right?). However, the reality is, all experiences serve to educate us something.

The humbling encounter you’ve just gone through (or soon will face) serves a purpose. What can it educate you?

The Carriage and the Sorcerer

Two Major Arcana cards, the Carriage and the Sorcerer bring a special message: What you achieve is whatever you will.

The Carriage The Sorcerer

This implies that what occurs next entirely depends on you and your determination. Of course, there are times in your life when things will appear uncontrollable and reliant on destiny, but this isn’t one of them.

chariot six of wands tarot card combinations

By focusing on the things that you truly desire and concentrating all of your energy in that direction, you will be capable of achieving so much.

The Carriage and the Six of Victory

Self-assurance is crucial when the Carriage tarot card and the Six of Victory appear. You are right on the verge of accomplishing some truly remarkable things, but to go all the way, you’ll have to get your belief system in check.

The Carriage Six of Victory

Are their beliefs stored in your subconscious mind causing you to feel that you can’t achieve all of the things that you desire?

Don’t succumb to these thoughts. Progress is near, you just need to embrace your abilities and walk into this next season confidently.

chariot the moon tarot card combinations

The Carriage and the Lunar

The Carriage is the tarot card of self-control. When combined with the Lunar, it represents a need to practice more control of one’s emotions.

The Carriage The Lunar

Have recent decisions and actions been fueled by feelings such as fear, anger, or anxiety?

If so, the Lunar and Carriage tarot cards want you to work on dealing with strong emotions in a way that is healthy.

This could include categorizing your feelings, accepting them, and addressing them with the help of respiratory techniques.

If this is not something you currently deal with, be on the lookout for future situations in which you’ll need to ‘remain composed.’

The Chariot Tarot Card Designs

Even though my portrayal of the Chariot tarot card is based on the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, I certainly utilize other decks as well.

And there are so numerous different decks out there! Below you can discover a small assortment of stunning Chariot tarot cards.

the chariot tarot meaning

A Little Spark of JoyGet The Modern Way Deck on Amazon Here


the chariot tarot modern way tarot deck

That is everything for the interpretation of the Chariot tarot card! If you have drawn the Chariot tarot card in your spread, did the meaning make sense to your circumstance in life?

As a symbol of conquering obstacles and accomplishing your objective, just view this card as a signal of motivation.

Utilize your determination, focus, and determination to get a stagnant situation moving again and overcome all the challenges that may be in your path. You can accomplish it!

Our community enjoys hearing about accurate readings, so please take a moment to let us know in the comments below what you think of the Chariot card.

Are you a Tarot beginner? Learn how to read the tarot in this Tarot Beginners Guide.

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